Pwrpas is a local project set up to help men to improve their mental health. It will operate as a hub with its primary aim being to:
Raise awareness of the mental health challenges faced by men.
Engage with men and encourage conversation.
Signpost men to appropriate support.
Pwrpas will achieve the above by:
Working collaboratively with local employers and specialist partners.
Creating a single reference point website containing information relating to causes and symptoms of poor mental health along with sources of support.
Facilitate the training of a local network of mental health buddies and Mental Health First Aiders.
Support this network by providing regular networking events.
12.5% of men in the UK are suffering with a mental health issue.
Only 35% of men seek help with their mental health.
3 in 4 suicides are men.
In 2018 there were 6,154 suicides in UK - 16 per day!
Suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45, in the UK more than cancer or heart disease.
Alcohol accounts for 33,000 deaths a year in the UK.
4.3% of men in the UK are drug dependent.
It is estimated that around 2 million people in the UK are addicted to over the counter drugs.
Over 300,000 men have an eating disorder – Increase of over 70% in the 6 years to 2017.
More than 2 million people in the UK are either problem gamblers or at risk of an addiction.